April 25 Saturday
I woke up early went to the grocery store to get cash for Penni's drinks at the gig. Penni rode with me to the practice space in the van. We ran through the set before the gig, later Jessica met us at the space. We loaded up and all rode in the van to the gig. We had a little time before load in to Scott and Jessica walked 3 miles in the 90 degree sun to get Nachos. They returned sun burned and miserable. Ah... Nature. Chuck showed up and helped us drag gear on stage and load up after the show. Chuck is awesome The Crowd was great. There was a lot of Metal bands there and a lot of face paint but everyone was cool. We unloaded and met Chuck's wife at Skyland for post gig food. Me and Chuck talked about VBA stuff at the table. Scott was exhausted and in had a lot of tooth pain at the end of the night. A full day indeed.
April 24 Friday
I entered 5oo plus standard notes into STAR with my scripting-via-VBA stuff. I ate lunch with the usual crew in the break room and took a quick 15 minute walk. This was my Homie Miss A's last day. The guys on the Linux Outlaws podcast read my email on the air about the BlenderNewbies.com web site / DVD. They pronounced it bee-grew-dur-clock, Awesomeness. I went to practice. Scott was really late so I worked on solo stuff (playing with lights off, para-diddles, rolls around the kit, etc) We played through the set twice, I was really tired.
April 23 Thursday
The manager of the Financial Counseling department send me the final list of records to script into STAR. He only wants the first 549 records processed. I walked a lap during lunch. Later I bought a 2.5inch external hard drive enclosure to copy my old laptop to my new installation and a new battery for my dad's ThinkPad. We rescheduled practice to Friday so Scott could go to the dentist and have a tooth removed.
Apr 22 Wednesday
There was an issue with the Star balancing, apparently, there was a small translation that was missed and over looked by my coworker. I walked a lap at lunch and listened to the DethKlok Album (yes, still listening to the DethKlok album) I covered the Sysadmin desk while he was in a meeting. I tested some scripting stuff. It is a real pain when STAR crashes and the window handle is still open. (Reboot often folks!). I ate some left over pizza and drove the van to practice. Dad called and we talked about his laptop. Scott said he canceled practices because he went to the hospital because his pulse was going crazy and his chest was hurting. We ran threw the set and I ate a big salad after practice
April 21 Tuesday
I researched using Javascript with ADO and SQL and found this https://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2005/7/14/13942/7643 Netbeans can handle Javascript but there is no handy WYSIWYG html page builder. The SysAdmin and I ate bought lunch for Miss A at Brixx Pizza.
April 20 Monday
The Manager of the Financial Counselling department asked me to double check my unique records list. I was correct. I emailed him a xls file of the that shows the proof. I ate lunch in the break room with Kursty. Scott canceled practice. I did some more blender tutorial.
April 19 Sunday
Penni had to work for a few hours. I worked on more blender tutorials. My stomach was messed up all day. I went to practice early, The Shekere that I bought sounded great as a giant shaker. We recorded guitar and cymbals. I bought a cheap JavaScript Book and sent ten bucks to TreeClock to help with Server costs.
April 18 Saturday
Penni had to work. I worked on blender video tutorials all day. I posted a question to the BenderNewbies forums and the owner wrote me back quickly. I helped Penni's Dad move a couch in to his house. We went to Lowe's and I bought Penni a small steel patio table and chair for grilling. I assembled it and set it up for her. She loved it.
April 17 Friday
I had lunch with my boss at Miguel's and printed the paper billing. My Blender Newbies DVD arrived. I finished the Financial counseling Department manager's cobra letter address list. My boss approached me about rebuilding the ATB database. I want to do it with javascript/ADO.
April 16 Thursday
I did the Month End report PDF. I tried to walk a lap at lunch started coughing. I bought groceries and refilled my albuteral inhaler. I went to practice and we recorded more redemption dot txt drums. Penni made me a tuna fish sandwich when I got home from practice. I love her so much. I bought her another knitting bag on Ebay.
April 15 Wednesday
I did the paper billing and the STAR balancing while my coworker was out. I ate lunch with the usual crew plus Dave at Showmars. Scott cancelled practice for his root canal. I made a funny song about Scott's messed up tooth/face and emailed it him. I worked on Dad's laptop went to bed early.
April 14 Tuesday

I showed the medicaid automation tool to the medicaid power user per project instructions. She was polite but was not excited about the automation. She said enjoyed the data entry. Wow. I called Walgreen about inhaler and worked on the Small claims database. Penni grilled chicken outside with the mini-grill. I ordered the BenderNewbies.com DVD for 38 bucks and watched two new SouthParks. I sent Chuck a Word doc with more sample VBA code. I also bought the SquidBillies Vol 2 DVD.
April 13 Monday
I worked with a member of the legal department on the small claims database. Star is giving us the defendant's County as numbers. They were OK with it. I ate lunch at Showmars with the usual crew. My homie miss A is leaving CHS in two weeks. My stomach was messed up from all the Easter home cooking. Penni is going to see about refinancing our town house with the credit union. I ordered a new bigger 320GB laptop hard drive. I called Chuck after work. He was having some issues with variables. I went to practice and Scott had a funny story about how he had to eat bean and cold bread with his family for Easter. (family events are hell for vegetarians).
April 12th Sunday
I woke up and went to Penni's parents house for lunch. Penni bought a grill and returned it for missing instructions and then bought a from different grill. I helped assemble it. I finally finished the last of my 220 CodeLabs. I watched a new family guy. CorspeGrinderClock emailed me and asked me to add some more detail to my Collab part. I am a terrible animator.
April 11th Saturday
I woke up late. Penni went out to pickup some tailoring and then we went to Statesville. Traci brought her dog and we brought Logan. I hooked up Mom's DVD player to the my parent's TV. Traci had a letter that a happy parent sent to her bosses boss. Traci's dog pooped on my parents bed. I got it up with some paper towels and Traci took the top sheet off to wash. Logan was good. We got home and played scrabble. I ordered a used ThinkPad for my Dad on Ebay. I will probably install Xubuntu on it. Penni wants a grill. I Recorded Penni snoring on the couch. It was adorable.