Sunday, March 4, 2007

2007 Feb - 22th

Friday, wake up early to cover Essex, Reid out sick again. Lwindi01's PC Power supply went out. No Major issues :) i do all the reports myself. i am a PA god. Ate with Niki and Kursty at the restaurant by the army base. funny conversion about work, religion weckka, and Debil-warshippers. :| i feft war on time. penni played Tomatoes for 2 hour and beat my high score and then i beat her again. she is soo cutie 'gmaing'

2007 Feb - 22th

Thursday, Reid sick again. had a chicken salad for lunch. emailed WAV file to the band members. A lady was hit-and-run'ed near Penni work, blood coming from her ear and mouth :(. Essex Gotta cover Essex. Essex gave me am invite to his house warning party. whee???

2007 Feb - 21th

Wendesday,traing class got out early for gas alarm. lunch alone , Arby's with Placebo in the Car, it was nice. later Logan vomited on the couch :( Practice at J T's house minus Chuck, record stuff on the Linux lappy, played Vkeyboard with the band, funny. J T runs Macs. better than windows i guess. Driving home on the 277 on ramp, listening to Avenue B by Iggy Pop, the Moon was beautiful with the downtown skyline. god i am lucky, with a beautiful world, Yes I am Emo.

2007 Feb - 20th

Tuesday, Boss sick again, emailed Dave from My teacher was "sik" and canceled class. bought Penni Chinese food, nodded on the couch :( when to bed early with my Penni Pooh :)

2007 Feb - 19th

Monday, Penni's car issues. Penni tried to weight a T-shirt, Aww! :) cooked spaghetti ate too much, new sponge bobs.

2007 Feb - 18th

Sunday, did cisco homework to 2pm then cooked "pamcakes" and bought a black work shirt and watched camp lazlo movie, new Simpson's and etc.

2007 Feb - 17th

Saturday, sleep late, go to the grocery store, got a white chocolate mocha and a blueberry muffins (they did not have any cookies). Penni napped and I did cisco E-labs down stairs. sandwiches for dinner for Narito and then Penni and i walked through the nice cold air to Fairview and back. Eureka 7, corn flakes and more Cisco crap!!!1

2007 Feb - 16th

Friday. ate at Lupie's with Penni, ate too much. nap on the couch. Penni laughed really really hard at the comedy central stand up. It was very very cute.

2007 Feb - 15th

Thursday. tried out new guitarist, freezing in the practice space, good gear. very very promising. my scarf is awesome.

2007 Feb - 14th

Wednesday. Valentines day, the flower delivery shows up nice and early at Penni's work. Penni like her alta hair clips. we go to the pewter rose for dinner, they have a weird valentines day menu so we leave and go eat at La Paz.

2007 Feb - 12th

Monday, legs killing me all day. terribly sore. Penni has a UTI and we go to an urgent care, penni is really hurting. it's really bad.

2007 Feb - 11th

Sunday, woke up around 9am lounge and shower worked on more cisco homework while Penni shopped. Raven cancelled practice so Chuck , Anna and I go to the Y for a girly strength training class. they kick my ass. a tiny little high school girl are workin gthe same weight i was with three times the grace and form. (i suck) chuck and anna talked about the pains of being on the home owners board. picked up an 18" veggie pizza from fuel. watched new simpons and family guy, work on cisco homework for an hour. then bed.

worked on Cisco e-labs for 2 hours then broccolis pizza at Burtucci's then worked on Cisco homework for

2007 Feb - 10th

Saturday. woke up around 11am worked on Cisco e-labs for 2 hours then broccolis pizza at Burtucci's then worked on Cisco homework for 2 more hours, then called around looking for Penni's cold sore medicine. no one had it. then drove to Wilkinson blvd wa|mart to buy more index cards for Cisco notes(god i hate cisco :/ ) they were all out of the index card i needed so i bought some plain one and plan to drill holes in them later. Penni popped me some popcorn and make some coffee like an angel. :) We watched two new episodes of Narito, Garrha is craaaaazy! <3>

2007 - Feb - 9th

Friday, Lunch with Courtney, Kursty and Reid, learned more dirt on Assby, hacked on john database and got this filter thingy working. My boss’s boss is wearing a red yellow and orange, wide vertical stripe long sleeve button up shirt. i tweaked some settings on Beryl, Penni say i probably spent 7 hour on beryl tonight. over the last 3 days 25 hours is a closer estimate. I weasels out on watch The Grudge tonight. I am a coward. Penni saw the Paris Hilton South Park.Wheee!

2007 - Feb - 8th

Thursday. started hacking on / adding a "facilities like C* to the "where" section on a SQL query on Johns Rebill Database.. it's hella ghey. I hate Access. I had mini moment of Zen listening to a sad Placebo song called "Pierrot the Clown" driving home of a cold bright sunny day. ^_^ Made Penni Spaghetti. Penni watched to the X files and 2 ghost/hunting shows on TV. installed Beryl on the Linux couch server. it runs great!

2007 - Feb - 7th

Wednesday, when out shopping for shoes with Penni. she was very patience. :) Dinner at Red Lobster with a crying baby :( got home googled issue with Beryl running on the Thinkpad. I got the maximize title bar working, but now the corner functions is acting weird .. i am in hell : /

2007 - Feb - 6th

Tuesday, Class tonight, very tired, parked on the top of the desk ran all the way to class barely made it, panting ... typed noted in to Google docs while twisting around looking at the teacher showed classmate Beryl Linux video...(NERD!!1) came home and started setting up Beryl on the Linux Laptop, worked good, one issue with the maximize title bar turning white. *NEW LOW* hurt my back twisting and typing. . i am in hell :(

2007 - Feb - 5th

Monday. Grocery shopping with Cutie Booty Penni Pooh. got a White Chocolate Mocha with 2 monster cookies. What are Monster Cookies? They are terrible stale sugar cookie with M&Ms. Avoid the Monster Cookies at all cost.

2007 - Feb - 4th

Sunday, did not watch the super bowl, watching episodes. Penni napped on the couch. Ate dinner at Penni parent's house. Penii cleaned:) i did homework. Penni's dad got a Vista laptop.

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