Saturday 26th
I woke up late and ate at Izzy's with Penni. Picked up a cheap white table cloth for the Merch-Table. I went to the Practice space and ran through the newer songs, Then loaded up and headed to the gig with illli-citizen, Rekless young and Red Letter Blue. The MerchTable look good. An extra band, the supra-phonics showed up because on a mistake with the owner. but they were cool about it. Chuck, Neil and a Lot of Scott's friends and family showed up. The owner rebuilt the drum riser shallower that it was. it was a challenge to play with my elbows stuck against a wall but i managed OK. The show made no money but we did get enough to pay the sound guy. after the gig we unloaded at 3am, then Scott and I went to Skyland. I finally got home, showered and crashed at 5am. whew.
Friday 25th
Finally got the SSI and Citrix people together. talked with boss about the work flow for the adjusts sheet project. did you know you can cheat a survey by deleting your temporary internet files. Penni brought home Qdobas. I felt bad all night. It was probably the extended lack of sleep.
Thursday 24th
The CHS Citrix guru canceled at the last minute on my phone conference with SSI. I met with legal dept for talk about the automatic mail merges. there is a question about the court house accepting single sided print outs. I bought paper toilets cookies and milk for Penni on the way home. I wrote huge check to the tile guy and burned 16 CDs with the K3B bulk copy function on the Linux Coffee table PC. i w practiced. I sounded bad because the last few practices were used to dig up bands to play the show at the money with us and to build Herbert the merch guy. I was dead tired after practice.
Wednesday 23rd
Finally got the Citrix and SSI programmers scheduled in a conference call. Finish "herbert the merch guy".Printed fliers for the Show at the Money in Rock Hill. Scott's voice was falling apart at practice. He needs to take better care of himself, ( ei: he needs to do exactly what i say all the time.)
Tuesday 22nd
worked... *details blurry* put together the artwork for Herbert the Merch-guy,
Monday 21st
Practiced,ironed out the plans for Herbert-from-family-uy Merch-display.
Sunday 20th
Practiced, worked on new song, discussed Ideas for the band Merch-table.
Saturday 19th
I took Penni to Frankies for dinner, it was nice. There were a lot of pregnant women there. I know there is a specific reason that pregnant woman sit the way that do, but man, gross!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Active Directory Code, Sneaky Excel Code, the Enemy and Penni's Pre-Birthday Stuff
Friday July 18th, 2008
Had a meeting with the legal dept. I got some more feature requests for the mail merge database. Got off early to clean, cook and put the final touches on Penni Birthday stuff. She was really happy. I ate too much cake
Thursday Ju1y 17th, 2008
Showed co-worker how to fix laptop network connection by un-istalling the hardware and letting the OS reinstall it. A guy from IS sent me code to search active directory. Sweet. Added Stuff to share point for my boss. We test recorded new song at practice and tested korg sounds for the little 202 sampler aka the box of failure. i loaned Scott a usb drive with 2 Dresden doll Album mp3s. Listened to chapelle mp3s in the car.
Wednesday July 16th, 2008
Wrote VB code that makes a spreadsheet email Windows user ID and PC names of the recipient on the open event. Showed the boss. bought RCA cables for sampler.
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
The SysAdmin verses "The Enemy". Started spaghetti for Penni. Month End Reports were NA worked on 2 new songs at practice. Penni had bad day at work.
Monday, July 14th, 2008
Worked and Went to practice and worked on two new songs. I almost forgot how painfully writing as a band is. We got some stuff done but we were ready to kill each other.
Sunday, July 14, 2008
Slept until noon. Dinner with mom Traci Penni at Carabbas. went to practice and built table of failure for electronic extras while drumming.
Saturday, July 15, 2008
Slept late got coffee and groceries with penni napped. Penni drove me to the practice space and I grabbed some sticks to re-wrap. I love her so!
Had a meeting with the legal dept. I got some more feature requests for the mail merge database. Got off early to clean, cook and put the final touches on Penni Birthday stuff. She was really happy. I ate too much cake
Thursday Ju1y 17th, 2008
Showed co-worker how to fix laptop network connection by un-istalling the hardware and letting the OS reinstall it. A guy from IS sent me code to search active directory. Sweet. Added Stuff to share point for my boss. We test recorded new song at practice and tested korg sounds for the little 202 sampler aka the box of failure. i loaned Scott a usb drive with 2 Dresden doll Album mp3s. Listened to chapelle mp3s in the car.
Wednesday July 16th, 2008
Wrote VB code that makes a spreadsheet email Windows user ID and PC names of the recipient on the open event. Showed the boss. bought RCA cables for sampler.
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
The SysAdmin verses "The Enemy". Started spaghetti for Penni. Month End Reports were NA worked on 2 new songs at practice. Penni had bad day at work.
Monday, July 14th, 2008
Worked and Went to practice and worked on two new songs. I almost forgot how painfully writing as a band is. We got some stuff done but we were ready to kill each other.
Sunday, July 14, 2008
Slept until noon. Dinner with mom Traci Penni at Carabbas. went to practice and built table of failure for electronic extras while drumming.
Saturday, July 15, 2008
Slept late got coffee and groceries with penni napped. Penni drove me to the practice space and I grabbed some sticks to re-wrap. I love her so!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Played the Lancaster Tavern on Muscle Relaxers

Saturday Jul 12, 2008
Slept late went grocery shopping and got coffee and chocolate chip cookies. Took a long nap. Still on muscle relaxers.
Friday, Jul 11, 2008
Still on muscle relaxers. Got to a good place on my small claims database. I fixed the issue with multiple users grabbing each other's records. Tried to pickup our CD demo labels from Kinko's during lunch but they print out an old order not the one we needed. we to the practice. Loaded on the U-haul and git stuck in traffic on the we way to the gig in Lancaster. We arrived in Lancaster just in time but the sound guy was an hour late. Penni, Ricky and a lot of Scott's family showed up. We drew the first slot. The sound guy took forever to set on the PA, actually cut Scott piano off for a second in the middle of a song, playing with levels. Scott did well in such terrible conditions. The local good ole boys were rushing us in the set up and tear down. I am proud that Scott did not flip out on them. After the gig i drove Penni to the practice space to unload and then we all went to hte sky land. later we got home, took the dog out side, took another muscle relaxer and crashed.
Thursday, Jul 10, 2008
I woke up feeling better, I felt drugged but safer driving. Work went OK, Programming on muscle relaxers, funny stuff. I worked on populating a form table from sql. DoCmd.RunSQL is my new friend. is my I ate lunch with Angela at subway. Went to practice to unpack, play the set, and pack back up for a gig the next day.
Wednesday Jul 9, 2008
Woke up with my neck on fire. driving in to work was dangerous, called the doctor and got an appointment for 11:45. He said it was a muscle spasm. he prescribed some muscle relaxers. I took them, went home and slept. i was perfectly immobile all night.
Tuesday, Jul 8, 2008
Woke up with my Neck mysteriously hurting. It lasted all day. Worked on Add-legal-Judgments function on small claims letter database, debugging SQl stuff is a little painful. There is a lot of pasting to word and color coating strings. I put ice on on it after work. Penni cooked chicken nuggets for me. i email the Logo-dogz (with a plural Z) guys approved T-shirt art.
Monday, Jul 7, 2008
Scott called and canceled practice because he over-did-it at work demoing a bathroom. relaxed with Penni. Cooked her S
Monday, July 7, 2008
played Tremont music hall after eating a pound of cashews,

Sunday, Jul 6, 2008
Woke up at 3am 6am and 9am with cashew fueled gut murder. Played Mahjong while I waited fir it to pass. Then i Sucked it up, Put on my game face and played Tremont music hall. Scott forgot that U-haul was closed on Sunday. Penni saved us all by help drive gear from the practice and the gig and back. Penni and i ate at Carrabas it was heaven after a long long exhausting day. Crashed at midnight.
Saturday, Jul 5, 2008
Slept late watched a few transformers the animated series on the Linux Lappy, (Cheese and horror-ably animated) bought snacks and watched UFC fight at Scott's apartment with Penni Josh and Ricky. Ate whole can of cashews. That was very stupid of me because i am unable to digest Cashews.
Friday, Jul 4, 2008
Slept to noon, ate lunch at Penni's parents house. Penni's dad wants a Linux webcam. Watched last death note episode (disappointing!!!1 @#^&*@&% ) and Chowder. Played chess with Penni.
Thursday, Jul 3, 2008
Today sat in on 2 interviews, googled one app's Terrible myspace page. Ate at migels with boss and coworkers. added UID column to SQL table. practiced.
Wednesday, Jul 2, 2008
Got quotes for band t-shirts, mailed off broken hi-hat to Zildjian, Worked on sql inserts, bought Baoding for Penni submitted sticker art to contagious graphics.
Tuesday Jul 1, 2008
Worked on writing to a sql table with ADO. Ate at tin-tins for boss's birthday. Got a 911 call from Scott, his truck was towed and needed help. i picked him up in south Charlotte and and drove him downtown to the lot. he got about 2 hours of sleep that night and still made it to practice.
Monday Jun 30, 2008
Today cleaned up spare bed room a little. Ate a lot of bad food. Tried out the new sound module at the practice setup and marked new roll up drum mat.
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