Saturday Jul 12, 2008
Slept late went grocery shopping and got coffee and chocolate chip cookies. Took a long nap. Still on muscle relaxers.
Friday, Jul 11, 2008
Still on muscle relaxers. Got to a good place on my small claims database. I fixed the issue with multiple users grabbing each other's records. Tried to pickup our CD demo labels from Kinko's during lunch but they print out an old order not the one we needed. we to the practice. Loaded on the U-haul and git stuck in traffic on the we way to the gig in Lancaster. We arrived in Lancaster just in time but the sound guy was an hour late. Penni, Ricky and a lot of Scott's family showed up. We drew the first slot. The sound guy took forever to set on the PA, actually cut Scott piano off for a second in the middle of a song, playing with levels. Scott did well in such terrible conditions. The local good ole boys were rushing us in the set up and tear down. I am proud that Scott did not flip out on them. After the gig i drove Penni to the practice space to unload and then we all went to hte sky land. later we got home, took the dog out side, took another muscle relaxer and crashed.
Thursday, Jul 10, 2008
I woke up feeling better, I felt drugged but safer driving. Work went OK, Programming on muscle relaxers, funny stuff. I worked on populating a form table from sql. DoCmd.RunSQL is my new friend. is my I ate lunch with Angela at subway. Went to practice to unpack, play the set, and pack back up for a gig the next day.
Wednesday Jul 9, 2008
Woke up with my neck on fire. driving in to work was dangerous, called the doctor and got an appointment for 11:45. He said it was a muscle spasm. he prescribed some muscle relaxers. I took them, went home and slept. i was perfectly immobile all night.
Tuesday, Jul 8, 2008
Woke up with my Neck mysteriously hurting. It lasted all day. Worked on Add-legal-Judgments function on small claims letter database, debugging SQl stuff is a little painful. There is a lot of pasting to word and color coating strings. I put ice on on it after work. Penni cooked chicken nuggets for me. i email the Logo-dogz (with a plural Z) guys approved T-shirt art.
Monday, Jul 7, 2008
Scott called and canceled practice because he over-did-it at work demoing a bathroom. relaxed with Penni. Cooked her S
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