Sept 13th Saturday
Slept late. Penni tried strawberry Pocky and hated it. Created a icon for the disable touch pad button and put it on gnome-look.org. I checked my other gnome-look content and my scores seem to have gone up. Wooo. We watched shin-Chan on the laptop with Penni.
Sept 12th Friday
I ate lunch with Boss and SysAdmin at Migales. I Bought SysAdmin lunch for working in the ClickOn Balancing. I covered the Hub while he worked on it. Drove home pass long line at the Gas stations. Took a shower and then Penni and I went to buy a new refrigerator. we looked at Sears and Best Buy. we opened up a sears card and put the refrigerator and extended warranty on it. Penni found a new piano teacher and bought a piano bench. we got groceries and then went home. On the way home we saw all the gas stations were out of gas. I ate some chips and zucchini queso. crashed at 1am
Sept 11th Thursday
Walked during lunch while listening to Muse, I like them a little better now. There was a 10 gallon minimum on gas purchases at the gas station, Was able to fill up. I received a funny text message from Scott about 9/11. Q: "Why is my stomach so messed up?" A: "You probably ate an airplane packed w/ terrorists, like that building did 7 yrs ago." That is good writing. At practice we wrote an Synth Arp part for the end of the growler song. Scott wanted a cliche double bass drum riff at the end.
Sep 10th Wednesday
I changed shirts walked at lunch and ate a grilled chicken salad afterwards. my Bosses boss wants me to install the SSI CCSM emulator for CRMC. I listened to Karate stuck in traffic on the way to practice, I Though about of the old day getting Pizza at Mama Lena's with Traci, living in cheap dirty apartment with 3 roommates and being righteously lonely. Sad music was better then. Scott and I figured out how to cut off synth patchs with midi board at practice, high fives all around.
Sept 9th Tuesday
I ate showmars with Miss A and sysAdmin. There was no practice.My chrome 18 inch tom arrived, I fixed zucchini queso and chips for dinner. Penni laughed at the mighty B cartoon really hard, it was cute.I tried installing sooper looper on the laptop from source and failed. I need to hit some forums and see what I did wrong.
Sept 8th Monday
I gave Scott an electric blanket for his dying cat. I ate alone at Nikkos and walked a lap. I got way too sweaty, I am going to start packing a extra shirt for lunch walking. We worked on growler song at practice. I changed the angle of my bass drum beats. It felt a little weird. I looked at G41 thinkpads online.
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