Saturday Dec 6th
I woke up late and ate Breakfast at Izzy's. Penni and I took her old Xmas tree back to her parents house. I texted Traci and asked her what she wanted for Xmas. Penni cleaned and put a new smaller tree up. I picked up Qdobas for Penni.
Friday Dec 5th
I ate lunch with the whole department at Miguel's and worked on getting the IE scripting stuff to work with a weird combo box on the Medicaid web site. I came home, did the dishes, then emailed Traci and asked her what she wanted for Xmas. I emailed the Netbeans web support guys about a typo on their wiki. I tried a NetBeans GTK tutorials. It kinda sucked. I read the first set of Bone Books. So far they are good but not great.
Thursday Dec 4th
I covered the SysAdmin desk while he was at the dentist. I ate a salad at Showmars with Miss A. I rented Penni the new X files movie from Redbox. I took my cheap PC speakers to the practice space and we worked on mixing down Tonight Comma You all night. We Used the pro tools pitch shifter to make a super smooth bass octave track. Scott said that our friend David Stein is changing the name of his band from David Stein and The Ravens to "LoveColt". (???).
Wednesday Dec 3th
Last day off. I woke up at noon and mailed the van title to Dad. I got breakfast at Bojangles and bought 50 bucks worth of Bone comics. I went to practice and worked on mixing down the first song, previewing the mix on my Linux laptop on my car's stereo. I ordered a hard to find candle for Penni.
Tuesday Dec 2nd
Second day off. I watched the Wall-E movie. I bought stamps and envelopes for mailing the van title to Dad for a notary stamp. I feel kinda sick all day and so I bought a salad. I ate dinner with Penni's parents at Carrabas I was still coughing and blowing my nose every 5 minutes. After dinner Penni sat up a profile and started using Identi.ca. She wanted to find a better class of twitter people. :) I discovered Hulu.com and watched a few new Simpsons episodes.
Monday Dec 1st
First day off. I watched the Kung Fu Panda movie during breakfast. I called my insurance office and put coverage on the van. I was still sick and napped all day. I went to practice, Scott finished recording all his guitar track during the thanksgiving/birthday break. We worked on recording the electronic parts and and stayed to midnight. Penni was pretty mad, but we made up later.
Sunday Nov 30th
Happy birthday to me! I slept late and bought more Xmas gifts online. Penni bought me a drawing pad (???) and a my laptop 3 months ago. I still feel sick and bought orange juice and two redbox movies while Penni napped. Later that night chuck took me and Penni out for Sushi.
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