I slept late and research Linux friendly firewire soundcards. Penni and I went to the Morrison library and voted early. I ordered a pcmcia firewire card. Watched Batman vs Dracula. It was terrible. I believe Cartoon Network is going to viciously rape Batman with the new animated series. Penni worked on her knitting all night and finished 2 scarfs. We both crashed at 3am.
Fri, Oct 24
I worked on the Medicaid data automation project and had lunch with my boss and the SysAdmin at Salsaritas. There was a story on TV there about a woman who claimed she was attacked and had a "B" carved on her face because she was had a McCain sticker on her vehicle. The "B" was backwards and her blackeye looked really fake. I Rolled out the DDE function in the Quality Assurance Database late in the evening. it took longer than I though and i had to stay a little late. I got a 100 on my C++ homework. When to Frankie's with Penni. She was mad about CHS's prescription drug plan and it seemed like half the people at Frankie had CHS parking stickers or shirts. funny stuff. we bought more yard for penni to make a scarf for her mom, her sister and my friend Scott. we got home and passed out on the couch while penni knitted. We are so punk rock.
Thu, Oct 23
Ate lunch in break room with the regular crew. I Met with my boss to discuss projects and priorities. There is a new database for correspondence on the horizon. Whee. I emailed Scott pro-tools info. I showed one of the QA power users the DDE stuff. It was Cold and rainy all day. There was no practice. Ordered pizza and worked on C++ homework.
Wed, Oct 22
I wrote code to parse out acct numbers, names, dates, and totals from STAR With MS Access DDE function. Took a walk during my break. I bought milk of magnesia and burned a copy of The Mountain Goats, Tallahassee CD for Penni. I went to practiced and ran trough the set. Penni called crying, a giant bug scared her in the downstairs bathroom. Awww.
Tue, Oct 21
Finally figured out how to copy star terminal text to access with VBA and MS Acess DDE function. I owe a thanks to the cool guy from IS that sent me a copy of his dotNet code for googling. I got groceries, cooked up chips and zucchini salsa and watched the Indiana Jone crystal skull movie it was terrible, just like the creators from SouthPark said.
Mon, Oct 20
My coworkers through my boss an omelet breakfast for bosses day. The cool guy in IS who developed the startransfer program application emailed me some of his source code. Sweet. I went to the practice space early and ran trough the set before Scott arrived. we put up more sheets for Scott's rehearsal video idea.