Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Melvins, Ub04 String parsing, the first C++ test and Knitting

Thursday Oct 9th

I ate at salsarita's with the work crew, worked on more ub04 string parsing (argghh!!), and went straight to practice after work and played for 3 hours before Scott showed up. Scott is still sick but practiced anyway sans movement/loud-vocals. I was dead tired after practice and could barely walk up the stairs.

Wednesday Oct 8

I moved desks at work and worked on better ub04 record delimiting.I met Penni at the bank to open a ncsecu account for her. Scott called off practice because he was sick. I watched new Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network, surprisingly it was not terrible. I'm sure hardcore Star Wars nerds hate it though. I submitted Dale Crover for drummer of the week on

Tuesday Oct 7

I picked up chinese for penni. She is learning to knit. (Random huh?) I submitted my C++ lab5 and watched presidental debates, then I worked on lab6 all night. so far lab6 is kinda painful. I crashed at midnight

Monday Oct 6

I worked all day on parsing UB04 fields. I am soo sick of string manipulation! I ate Nikos with work crew and took a walk break. I bought another Melvins album from called "A Senile Animal" it is pretty good, but no "Stoner-Witch". Later I went to Practice and talked to a cool band at the space called Gellico. crashed at midnight.

Sunday Oct 5

I slept late again and took my first C++ test. I did well. I ate a lot of cookies and later went to practice worked on a "random hits" end part of the new "legal dept" song (5, 2, 5, 1, 5, and and, 8, 5!!! end.) I bought coffee cookies and milk on way home from practice for Penni.

Saturday Oct 4

I slept super late, reinstall Ubuntu on pennis laptop and ate baked corn chips and zucchini salsa. I watched new a SuperJail episode (brutal), and studied for my c++ test.

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