March 28th Saturday
Penni woke me up early for breakfast at Izzy's. The Clock Crew movie scored lower than I hoped (2.54/5.00). Penni and I had dinner with Penni's parents at the Kabuto's by UNCC. Later Penni and I played scrabble over the FaceBook.com. She won by 2 points.
March 27th Friday
Rainy again, I ate lunch with Kursty and met with Kou to finalize her department's Project. I covered the sysAdmin desk while he used some flex time. I bought groceries, ate some weird soy Chicken fillets, took a long nap and submitted my Clock Crew movie to Newgrounds.com at 2am.
March 26th Thursday
It was rainy again, Penni said I was saying "Wheres my running crew" all night. I gave blood and took the QA Database down to fix a small issue. The boss's boss's boss got a nasty virus. My boss's hard drive crash while she tried to log on his PC. I was a able to save his desktop settings with a Linux LiveCD. I went to a late practice and overdubbed the slow bass drum part / BleepLabs part.
March 25th Wednesday
Window Handle of the Beast!

I bought some used book online for API stuff. I brought them into work for reference. I went to practice and worked on more recording stuff.
I found this code to set the wacom bamboo fun function keys to keyboard keys:
# Set the "FN1" button to "control c" (usually copy)
xsetwacom set pad Button2 "core key control c"
# Set the "<" button to "-" (zoom out in Gimp)
xsetwacom set pad Button1 "core key -"
# Set the "FN2" button to "alt f1" (open main menu in Gnome)
xsetwacom set pad Button4 "core key alt f1"
# Make the ">" button automatically type "xsetwacom rocks"
xsetwacom set pad Button3 "core key x s e t w a c o m space r o c k s"
# Set "FN1" to double click
xsetwacom set pad Button2 "dblclick"
March 24th Tuesday
I Worked with some API stuff to control mouses and holding it to a specified area of the screen. I sat up the director of Billing with CCSM walked a lap. I got the import files for Dialysis Error Automation Database. Chuck called, Penni and I got sushi with Chuck we talked to 11pm. He wants to create some test with Excel and VBA. it is pretty easy, I will show him.
March 23rd Monday
I Pulled the data that Queried for the database i ran Friday evening. I deleted a bunch on old backup copies of database and cleared up 20GB of space. I walked a lap during lunch and met about with a bunch of management and IS about an automation project. Chuck called, he is back in town from Japan. I went to practice and recorded more individual drum tracks. Scott and Jessica are doing well. They are hanging out and sleeping to 4pm playing Galaga and eating a lot of pizza, Awww.
March 22nd Sunday
Penni and recorded some audio for the flash movie with my Linux laptop and audacity. The Best takes were the ones that we did together. Penni's dad stopped by with his Laptop, I think it has a bad video card, the VGA did not work with a LiveCD.At practice we record just cymbals and high-hat parts on the new drag part. We are trying to over dub individual parts to make the song easier to mix. Crashed early.
March 21st Saturday
Penni woke me up 4 hours after I crashed. We went to Izzy's for breakfast, then the yarn store, then to Target to return something that Penni ordered online. We bought some torchieres and one of those automatic daily shower spray things. Penni and I talked about ClockCrew movie plot ideas all day it was fun. She is the best. I put the lamp together and crashed early.
March 20th Friday
I made a Database to loop through the a shared network drive to report on old files and hidden directories that are taking up drive space. I told my boss about it and started it running before I left for the day. I bought a drawing tablet from Best Buy. It is the Wacom "Bamboo Fun" version. I had to do a few simple terminal commands to get the pressure sensitivity to work.
It was easy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom
I brewed some coffee and worked on a flash movie to 5am.
March 19th Thursday
I showed the manager of the Medicaid Department my Web Automation Tool and had lunch with my Boss at Miguel's. I posted to the clock crew site and then went to practice.
March 18th Wednesday
It was rainy and cool this morning. Last night I accidentally elbowed Penni in the face, this morning she asked do I have a black eye? :( I ate lunch with the usual crew at showmars and solved the "test top window" issue, I post the solution to the access forum that I posted a question. Scott called and canceled practice mysteriously. I posted on the clock crew boards and researched 2d animation in Linux. I discovered that I have 44 more mini homework assignment to finish before the end of the online class.
March 17th Tuesday
I went in early to cover the system Admin for the first part of the morning billing, walked a lap during lunch, and worked on window handles all day. I submitted some Java homework and went to the dentist. I received another email from RabidClock, he's cool. I watch a few clock movies. I missed those guys,.. I am going to try to balance a wife, a band, a job, an online class, and the ClockCrew... I need to just get rid of the TV completely. I ate a giant salad and crashed late.
March 16th Monday
My Boss asked me to change the 2821 letter database and the old Credit Processing Database to show user names instead work-list mnemonics. I went to Walmart with Kursty for lunch and worked on better understanding window handle API stuff. i received an email from RabidCLock. He asked me to come back to the cc. I checked out the ClockCrew.cc site and saw it was now a good balance between Spam, Art and programming. I wrote him back.
March 15th Sunday
It was raining this morning. I woke up late and watched new American Dad episodes. I installed the extra GooTool package and played a bunch of extra World of Goo Levels. I folded up laundry. Scott called practice off. He was tired from driving back from the beach with Jessica. Penni and I watched some new Simpsons, Family Guys and had coffee/muffins for dinner while Penni worked on knitting.
I'm the sort of hombre who enjoys to try radical stuff. Presently I'm building my hold solar panels. I am managing it all by myself without the assistance of my staff. I'm using the net as the only way to acheive that. I stumbled upon a really awesome website that explains how to build photovoltaic panels and wind generators. The place explains all the steps needed for solar panel construction.
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