Friday 29
Covered sysadmin chair with no issues. i ate lunch with Carlos and tzoua, picked up a sandwich for Miss A, After work I picked up groceries and worked on homework fixed the qadb filters. I changed the townhouse air filter and crashed early.
Thursday 28
Covered the system desk, the CTP report bombed at 4am due to a "/" character in the text file from star. nice. ate alone. Scotts cell phone was ringing straight to an error message. I went to the practice space and worked on my left bass drum foot for 2 hours to clean up my double bass drum licks.
Wednesday 27
Today was me and penni's 1st date 3 year anniversary. Shadowed the sysadmin again. Lunch with the Special Project crew at salsaitas bought Penni roses and qdobas. Scott canceled practice worked homework bought 1000 page C++ book for 9 dollars. yay internet.
Tuesday 26
I shadowed the sysadmin and later used flex time for coffee and Comic book run. I bought a metal door hole kit and installed the new deadbolt. later i ate cheese and crackers and fixed the Linux Lappy with a simple manual fsck (just like the error message said, duh...), I sent picture from the rock hill gig to Scott and worked on C++ labs.
Monday 25
Rainy, ate Nikkos alone. The Month End Report dropped in my lap at 2pm, finished them an 5:15pm. I showered and Picked up Penni's meds, then went to Ruby Tuesday. It was full of loud kids. My LinuxLappy had some weird fsck error. I backed it up to my external drive.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Played The Money in Rock HIll / Started C++ class

Sun 24th
Woke up early got breakfast Penni felt embarassed about drinking too much at the show. We drove to statesville for to have dinner with my parent and give my dad his birthday presents. I got him two metal lined mugs. He wants to giving me his old plumbing van to gig stuff. We got back in charlotte at 7pm. Penni drove me for a milkshake while we were waiting for Scott. Penni thanked Scott for helping me with her after the gig. Penni swore off drinking that evening.
Sat 23rd
Got a call from Scott about the show at The Money In Rock Hill around noon. The owner sold the venue Scott called the new owner and he was unsure if he wanted to have the band play from 8pm to 2am or from 8 to 11pm and have a DJ playing dance music from 11pm to 2am, (It was the latter). we played last, Included the new translation song, had to cut a few songs, and packed up asap to empty the venue before the DJ started. Penni had too much to drink and Scott was cool about it and helped me get her to the car. During the unload a taught bungee cord from my hand truck popped off and Scott was nail in the back with the metal hook. Ouch. I got Penni Home and She fixed herself some Mac and Cheese and crashed on the Couch. I carried her upstairs to bad around 3am.
Fri 22nd
Ordered a Pizza Hut Pizza online. Their Pineapple pizza is great. Reported a bug submitting C++ homework on with Linux Browser.
Thu 21st
Wrote a function to generate a list of missing employee pictures. Practiced the set. Scott was late. The cpcc homework page did not like my browser.
Wed 20th
Had lunch with miss A at subway. Fixed bug in dept project database associated with empty record sets. Walked during my break. Penni went to docs. Worked on C++ homework. I accidentally deleted a sample from the Roland 202 box in the dark. Panic.
Mon 18th
Received a praise email from my boss's boss's boss's boss's boss. yay. Kursty sprayed me up in front of a pregnant woman about not wanting/liking children. My friend took a picture of himself with Rick Flair. We Worked on a new "transition" song.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Played the Rock Shoppe in Fayetteville

Saturday 16th
Penni woke me up at 10am and then again at 11am. We got lunch at Harpers got Groceries and then Napped to 3pm. Penni, Scott and I went to the keg and Cue to get the Door money from illi-citizen from the last gig we played with them. We played pool for a while and then a lame old-guy-fight broke out at the bar and we split. Penni was a little upset and then we hit a Cat with the car on the way home. Nice. Crashed at 2am.
Friday 15th
Took 8 PTO for a gig in Fayetteville. Woke up late, 10:30am so i would be OK driving late late that night/the next morning. showered coffee picked up CD envelopes and got to the space at 2pm to break down the drum, Scott showed up late with the u-haul trailer, we loaded up and left the space at 3:30. driving down to the gig there was one lunch break, one gas break and one bathroom break in a flooded Wendy's bathroom in the middle of no where. got to the Venue around The Venue , The Rock Shoppe, Has really great murals Painted all over the walls. We played first and got a good response from the Army guys from the nearby base. The last band were army guys that were deployed in Iraq and could kill us 99 different ways. They had a song called 'busted lip' about "pulling someone in a Man Dress out of the rubble" funny stuff. Scott was arguing with a drunk woman who was good friends from Tammy Wynette and Allen Jackson and we giving us career advice. we left the venue at 2:30am. we missed a ramp on the way back and stopped at a gas station to buy a map. the Gas station clerks point us in the wrong direction, but we were able to use the map to pick up a highway in Dillon SC to get back on track and get to the practice space by 6:30am After unloading the gear, Scott looked like death. I stuck my head in the water fountain to wake up, drove home, showered and crashed at 7:30am.
Thursday 14th
United Way Parking Lot Carnival event, A full day of sweating, running drop cords, and carrying around Tables. There were wasps all over the food area so I Ran to Wal-mart to some Wasp-Spray, The lines of people were looped around the building so just grabbed a gyro from Nikko's. My new Coworker helped out a lot. My sampler volume knob failed at practice that night and had to re-adjust all my patch volume for the gig on the next day.
Monday 11th
Picked up lunch from Nikko's and wrote the Tile Guy a check for the completed work. I ate all of Penni's Cheetos before practice, she text me at from home, "WHERE R MY CHEETOS!". . We Recorded 2 rough tracks with my Linux laptop for get a click tempo and ideas for overdubs. Picked up milk and cookies for Penni after practice. While i was in the Grocery store on the phone with Penni she start doing the "I heard a noise / I think someone is in the house". Thing, scaring me to death. I had Chips salsa for dinner.
Sunday 10th
Slept late picked up Qdobas for Penni browsed home depot for lacquers. Sat up practice space after gig argued with Scott about the 28 inch clarity.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Rita's Gift at The Highlander

Saturday 9th
Penni spent the night at her friend tommi's house. She got home at 8am. we spent to 11am and then went to Izzy and the grocery store. I napped for 6 hours and then watched naruto and crashed at 1am. it was a good sunday,
Friday 8th
Went to a Staffware meeting and later helped a manager with a ms live netmeeting. Ate at salsaritas with kursty. I left early, showered, took dog out and then left for load up for a gig in north agusta GA.
4:45pm I got to the practice space
5:30pm finished loadup and departed for gig
8:30pm arrived at the venue
10:30pm started set. The stage was tiny. The PA kept sorting out and feedingback but the crowd was really cool
12:00 illi-citizen started their set. They sounded really good. Steve from illicitzen took some great pictures for us.
2:00am loaded up and headed home.
4:45am had to make an emergency stop in rock hill for a bathroom break.
5:30am Arrived at the Practice space for unload.
7:00am got home Showered and crashed.
Thursday 7th
I wrote code to generate a formatted phone list from an active directory query. Penni brought home chik-fila, I practiced and then emailed percision drum's quote to Lady Luck drums for a competing quote.
Wednesday 6th
I forgot my door badge. I worked on narrowing the employee db from active dir to be useful and ate at salsaritas. I made set list and practiced the hour long non stop set.
Tuesday 5th
Sent my boss a invite to talk about an Active Directory Employee Information Project. The SSI server went down for a few minutes because IS rebooted it for a Tivoli push. I had lunch with MISS A. My Stomach was messed up after lunch at showmars, heart burn... dying. I did a vlookup for one of my bosses sub-managers. It is amazing how often I use that simple excel.
Monday 4th
I worked all day on only Active Directory stuff. Got a lot of compliments emailed to and from my boss. Went to practiced, My stomach flipped out and I was stuck in the bathroom at the space. It was about 90 degrees in there, nasty hot sweaty bathroom hell. Go monday.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Wow Chuck, this is a great place to get murdered."
relaxed and tryed to get Penni's laptop to shutdown without stalling, i tried uninstalling GDM and that broke the Xorg server. I rebooted and dropped into terminal mode and reinstalled it got every this working again. took my Bass drum to the Sam ash on Tyvola and compared sized and sound with a 26" and a 22". all bass drums in at the cavernous dru, dept sound this same. As far as the OMG big bass drum factor, my 24" and the 26" were very similar, so a 28" it is! called chuck for lunch but he got wifed, went to practice. the chords to the Radiohead cover we are doing at the North Augusta Show totally kicked Scott's butt. the show is just 3 practiced away.
Penni took me to get my oil changed. Went to the Arboretum Wal-mart with Penni and bought a hula-hoop to cut into an adjustable model to help me better measure for a new better bass drum. Ate lunch at chick fillet. Helped Chuck move up upstairs with Neil. Everything was covered in Cat hair, Classic. Riff of the Day: "Wow, This is a Great place to get Murdered".
relaxed and tryed to get Penni's laptop to shutdown without stalling, i tried uninstalling GDM and that broke the Xorg server. I rebooted and dropped into terminal mode and reinstalled it got every this working again. took my Bass drum to the Sam ash on Tyvola and compared sized and sound with a 26" and a 22". all bass drums in at the cavernous dru, dept sound this same. As far as the OMG big bass drum factor, my 24" and the 26" were very similar, so a 28" it is! called chuck for lunch but he got wifed, went to practice. the chords to the Radiohead cover we are doing at the North Augusta Show totally kicked Scott's butt. the show is just 3 practiced away.
Penni took me to get my oil changed. Went to the Arboretum Wal-mart with Penni and bought a hula-hoop to cut into an adjustable model to help me better measure for a new better bass drum. Ate lunch at chick fillet. Helped Chuck move up upstairs with Neil. Everything was covered in Cat hair, Classic. Riff of the Day: "Wow, This is a Great place to get Murdered".
Saturday, August 2, 2008
working on Covers (yuck!) and retrieving records from CHS Active Directory

August 1st
Yest watched drill bit Taylor, connected to active directory employee information, met with Reid about the adjustments project, he is putting it on hold while he researched a possible staff ware solution. Went to the grocery store with Penni. fixed zucchini salsa for dinner crashed early.
July 31st
Picked up the PA, Had an Employee Satisfaction meeting. sat up and ran the PA. When to practice.
July 30th
Got the html table in the adjustment database straight. Felt bad after work, Living in the bedroom is bumming me out. Went to practice Worked on Bright Eyes cover Radiohead and Violent Femmes songs, (Covers yuck!)
July 29th
Stressed out working on databases. Took a walk in the hot sun and felt better. Wal-mart had no hula hoops. The tile guy say 200 more for concrete issues. Ate at Frankie's.
July 28th
Went to practice, loaded new samples for the strength from within song and Bright Eyes cover and half time strength chorus. It was a terrible idea got home and played magic pen.
July 27th
Meeting about karaoke hot dog sale for united way. Ate at Showmars with miss A. Did a few ace modules. the tile guy started not being downstairs drove Penni crazy.
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