Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Decision 2008: If the people you dislike vote for A, vote for B.


Worked on the cash post database all day. I added an email function that notifies the manager of new issue notes. the CBO wants added to the share point project, I learned about it as i was being asked support questions to make it happen. Change control? Pfffff! A teller at my credit union was shot today in a robbery. During lunch, I walked by the bank, listening to a Podcast. 4 news vans were hogging the sidewalk and half the road. Freakin' Pigs. I felt pretty terrible all day. wheeeee!


Cleaned up the practice space. Practiced, a guy who does booking came to heard us. he gave good ideas to us about merch and what not. My hands were all blistered at the end of practice, i guess it was all the humidity(???)

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